There have been a few leading mentors I have found when it
comes to sustainable happiness. Learning from real people who have sustained
their happiness greater than 20 years are the people who have taught me
everything they know.
One of my main teachers is Dr. Bob Nozik, Professor Emeritus at the University of
California in San Francisco. He
was a Physician and Ophthalmologist who specialized in UV-Itis and now he is retired and teaching happiness. It took him 20 years to develop his almost
30 years of sustainable happiness.
He has written the best book I have found on sustainable
happiness to date and is the only required reading in the leadership program
called The Happiness Makeover. His book is called Happy 4 Life: Here’s How to do it
Dr. Bob has mentored me through challenges in all area of my
life including academic, professional, family, love, and personal.
Sometimes I would call him with my extreme challenges and
ask “How can I possibly be happy about <fill in the blank>?”
He always had an answer for me and never once failed in
‘showing me the light’ in any possible challenge I could suggest.
Since 2003, we have worked together in many ways and
recently he invited me to his happiness club meeting in Lafayette, CA. About 30 people were in attendance and
I was to discuss Sustainable Happiness in 5 Steps.
One month prior was Dr. Bob’s 80th birthday, so I
decided to do something special. I
wrote him an ODE and gave him 2 meaningful gifts. One gift was a picture of him and I in a frame that looks
like we are on television. This is because we once tackled producing a
television show on happiness together that ended up giving us both a lot of
laughs! The second is a frame with Dr Bob and Lionel Ketchian. Lionel is the founder of The Happiness Clubs worldwide. This is special relationship because Dr
Bob and Lionel have been sustainable happy for a combined 52 years!
His life and teachings have been so incredibly impactful in
my life and those I teach I wanted to share with you this special moment in time capturing one of my favorite
sustainable happiness teachers.
Dr Bob, You have helped me see the color of life through so
many lenses <3
Without Thee
I would have
Never seen
That which
Takes those
Opposite of Bliss
You have empowered
Me beyond my
Own belief
Through thick and thin
You have
Been there
Around each
Corner to
Smile with
Me to help
Me see the
Biggest and most
Path to
Inner Enlightenment
And Inner Peace
Through the
Overcoming of
Whatever life
May have
Shown me.
I on behalf
Of all those
You have touched
Are graced
With your
Our lives
Have changed
Self Love
Self Esteem
Handling mistakes
Gratitude and Appreciation
Present moment living
Pollyanna’s game
Most of all the
The biggest gift
I an everyone
Has seen is the opportunity
To grow and change
By identifying
The inner critic
This beast
This illusion
This self creation
Is someone
Blocks everyone
From that
Whom we are all
Meant to be
Thank you Dr Bob for giving
Us this gift
That lets us
See and
Be set free!!!
If you want to see me weep tears of joy while reading the
poem or listen to me talk about Sustainable Happiness in 5 Steps, you can watch
this video of The Happiness Club.
Dr Aymee Coget
Sustainable Happiness Doctor
Author of Forthcoming Book : Sustainable Happiness in 5 Steps
sfhappinessdoctor at gmail dot com