Friday, June 27, 2014

Sustainable Happiness: Happiness Science Makes it Possible

Why is happiness science so important?

It offers a choice.

It offers a choice to learn a skill of how to feel better.

When people seek the care of a mental health professional it is because they have no other alternative.

People jump off bridges because they feel they have no choice.

This choice is the absolute most powerful way to help someone who feels like devastation, depression and suicide are the only options.

This choice is based in a learning method that can be applied just as simple as arithmetic.

If I were to line up 100 people and ask them if they knew of positive psychology, 99 would most likely say NO.

This is a science that must be brought into the mainstream to show people they have a choice.

A choice beyond complaining about you problems.

A choice beyond blaming others for circumstances.

A choice beyond victimization and disempowerment.

A choice beyond taking medication which has a side effect of suicide, lethargy, weight gain, and loss of libido or even suicide.

If I were to ask you,

‘Would you like to become fat, never sleep again, never enjoy all that sex can offer, or potentially kill yourself?’


‘Would you like to learn how to learn and implement happiness science in your daily life?’

What would be your answer?

Seems clear?!

Happiness leads to better health, sleep and lasting satisfying relationships.

What is stopping happiness science from being taught more widespread?

What is stopping people from knowing they have a choice?

What is stopping you from becoming empowered over your own happiness?

Instead of waiting for goal achievement, the right person, place, thing or circumstance, you could implement this science just like chemistry and math are part of your daily experience.

At some point we all have to take charge of ourselves.  I like to think about each person as a leader: a leader of your life.

Leaders are empowered.

Leaders have a choice.

Leaders can learn and lead by example.

If you are a leader and you are not positive, then you are a detriment to those who follow you.

You have a duty to work on your own self-improvement and positivity because of the 3 degrees of separation of emotional contagion. (according to 2008 Harvard research)

I am sure you want your loved ones to be positive and feel good.

I am sure you want peace on Earth where people are healthy, happy, laughing and smiling.

I am sure you want to feel empowered over your emotional and mental experience.

I am sure you want an upward spiral in your life.

Taking the first step is empowering yourself to make that choice.

Make the decision to be happy and start from there.

Your brain expands, neuroplasticity occurs, disorders are treated as you take a conscious action in employing positive psychology according to a 2010 research study

The first step in the 5 steps of sustainable happiness is EMPOWERMENT

This means you choose to empower yourself over your happiness and no longer wait for a person, place, thing, circumstance or goal achievement to in front of your happiness.

Your happiness no longer is a bi product. It is the bullseye of your life.

As you grow your attention on how to empower yourself over your own emotional well being and employ happiness science in your life, you can control and unleash your upward spiral.

I fondly call this ‘magic and rainbows’

I recommend declaring your own empowerment by signing this document in red ink and posting it on your refrigerator as a daily reminder.

This is a certification created by Lionel Ketchian, et al.  to help you fortify your empowerment over your personal experience of happiness. Lionel has sustained his happiness for greater than 20 years and it was based from his 24 hour commitment to making the happiness decision.  This is indeed the most important decision of your life.

The two skills to maintaining this decision are responding to circumstances with happiness and eliminating all negative thoughts. 

Happiness science is work.

Maintaining your sustainable happiness is work.

Recommitting to your own happiness decision is work.

Learning how to sustain the happiness decision is taught in steps two, three, four and five.

Making this first step, is the biggest step and the only step to make in order for a strong foundation of sustainable happiness to be built.

Do you want to choose empowerment?

Do you want to take the first step?

Do you want to make the happiness decision?

Do you want to learn how to sustain this for the rest of your life?!

Do you want to start your upward spiral today?

Do you want to contribute to this conversation?

Dr Aymee Coget
Sustainable Happiness Doctor
Sfhappinessdoctor at gmail dot com

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