Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Dear CEO, What is your happiness / wellness strategy in 2015?

Dear CEO, 

As you know, your organizational values are of the utmost importance to guide the effort of the workforce who forwards your cause day in and day out.

These values are in fact the glue that keep your team bonded and your organization run effectively.

They are the guiding principles and target of each thought and behavior of your employees.


Do you know the values of your organization?

Do you stumble on the words or  have to look it up on the corporate website?

How much do you really care, adhere, teach, mentor and embody those values?

This is a place of improvement for a lot of CEOs.

Bringing it back to the basics.

Over the course of almost 20 years, I have worked with many CEOs and organizations to help embody the values of the organization.


How many of them had happiness or positivity as a value?


Until now, more and more CEOs are valuing their own happiness and health and those of their workforce more than ever before!

Unfortunately it is because all of you have seen to much stress, strokes, depression disability from the people you see day in and day out working for your cause.

With the new corporate wellness laws, corporations and CEOs are more than ever espousing values of health, happiness, and give the message ‘I care about you.’


What are you doing in 2015 to show your employees you care about them?

What are you doing to teach the values for sustainability & performance in your organization?

If you so choose happiness, positivity, health, well being, or anything of the sort as at least one of the values of your company, I can provide 5 tips to begin the dynamic spread of happiness in your company.

  1. Teach everyone they are in charge of their own happiness (wellness, positivity, etc) – personal responsibility is key
  2. Embody a positive attitude & encourage daily positive mood boosting activities
  3. Embody & teach practical tools for resiliency
  4. Encourage your workforce to be true to themselves, develop a deeper meaning & purpose through their work while utilizing their natural strengths
  5. Encourage & embody a spiritual practice – meditation, church going, religious holiday celebration, visits to nature, whatever ‘spiritual’ means to you

Before wellness technology and positive psychology, there are statistics that show your wellness program ROI will take 3-5 years to pay off.  Here is a great 2010 Harvard Business Review article on the ROI of major corporations from their wellness initiatives. 

With wellness technology & advances in positive psychology you can see progress within weeks and months with real time data. The times have changed!

You can influence and enhance the well being in your company simply by teaching happiness science to your employees.

These 5 tips will spread the positivity in your organization up to 3 degrees as shown by Harvard Research.


What is your depression disability cost annually? 

On average, American companies pay 4 Billion dollars a year in this category!

Would you like to see this number disappear?
Would you like to see smiles instead of stress in your office?

This is a special time in history where your organization can offer happiness at work in a proactive, productive and profitable way. 

Is it time to “spread happiness aggressively” in 2015 in your organization?  That is an actual quote from one CEO who has experienced a 50% growth rate in 2014.

He is able to track his numbers in happiness amongst his employees for the first time and now he wants to see them grow.

What is your happiness / wellness strategy in 2015?

If you want a taste of this dynamic spread of happiness, here is a 9 minute video.

Dr Aymee Coget
Sustainable Happiness Doctor
Author of Forthcoming Book : Sustainable Happiness in 5 Steps
sfhappinessdoctor at gmail dot com

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