Show me one person who only feels one emotion.
Inquisition kicks in when sustainable happiness is the topic of
It seems impossible and even UN- human to sustain a positive emotional
state in the face of devastating circumstances of life.
Is sustainable happiness un natural to the human state of being?
If someone I love dies, I will cry.
If my heart is touched by devastation, I will cry.
When I am ready I can choose happiness.
This empowers me over my emotional state of being.
After almost 20 years of in depth study of sustainable happiness, I
can tell you with full confidence, it is possible and it is natural and it is
Most humans have their emotional state tied like an anchor to the
ever-changing reality landscape around them.
If this is the case, when bad things happen, our cognitive and
emotional states head straight toward the downward spiral.
If not the downward spiral, the emotional roller coaster.
Things are good; happiness.
Things are bad; unhappiness.
Seems natural and human until I offer you a strategy where you can no
longer be a leaf in the wind or an anchor tied to the circumstances of your
This strategy is one based in positive psychology and leadership
This strategy is not to be used to ignore or repress any human
emotional experience.
It is used to help navigate the ever-changing landscape in your mind
as daily life always offers challenges.
When the strategy of these five steps of sustainable happiness are
engaged on a daily basis, there is a consistent recalibration to the moment, to
positivity, to empowerment to deeper meaning and purpose and to faith in the
Imagine being empowered over your own emotional state, instead of the
world being empowered over you.
Imagine being able to create a positive mood within yourself no matter
what is happening around you.
Imagine having resiliency that is seamless no matter what the
Imagine having contentment and fulfillment in your heart separate from
the emotional experience in your brain.
Imagine feeling safe and secure when faced with the unknown.
Imagine enjoying sorrow, grief, and sadness. Embracing them as you
have power of them instead of them having power of you.
Employing sustainable happiness principles in your daily life can stop
the downward spiral and the emotional roller coaster of life.
It only takes a 3:1 ratio of positive to negative emotional
experiences to create your upward spiral and this strategy can offer you a 15:1
ratio if done accurately.
Which do you want?
Downward Spiral
Emotional Roller Coaster
Upward Spiral
The choice is easy. The choice is yours. The power of your sustainable happiness can
be in your hands.
Positive emotion is different than positive mood.
Positive mood is different than resiliency.
Resiliency is different than contentment.
Contentment is different than bliss.
All of which are under the umbrella of the term – happiness.
So yes sustainable happiness is a possible and it is human.
It is human to be able to control your own emotional state and I offer
this 5 step guide as a tool to be used to help create your upward spiral for life once
and for all.
Do you want to contribute to this conversation?
Dr Aymee Coget
Sustainable Happiness Doctor
Sfhappinessdoctor at gmail dot com
This is an important message to continue to reinforce: the idea that sustainable happiness is possible, that it is a choice, that it is an inherent ability that all of us have but which we have ignored and submerged into our unconsciousness. We need not be victims of the world. Even when we are victimized, we are victims in our mind only if we choose to be. The idea of personal empowerment is key here. If we use the external world to validate or invalidate us, to make us happy or sad, we have given up our power and our truth. When we decide that regardless of what the external world throws at us, we have the power to choose happiness and inner peace, we have an emotional freedom that is joyous and exhilarating. Thanks for your wise words, Aymee!