Monday, October 13, 2014

Sustainable Happiness: Systematized & Automated

How can positive psychology help someone transition their own happiness from a mirage to a miracle?

How would our world be different if happiness, which is as basic as our water, food and air, became a human priority? What would change if each person were taught the basics of happiness like we learn the basics of mathematics?

There are many paths to the point of peace. This is one option.

The 5 steps to sustainable happiness were born from 18 years of experience helping others become happier.

When applying the process outlined here results have proved to be effective when traditional means of mental health failed.

This is a process that can be systematized and automated yet is made for the individual and can be moldable to each individual’s authenticity within themselves and in their lives.

The process begins with step one: empowerment.

This is a BIG FIRST STEP!  The user needs to want to change and make a difference in their lives.

The user listens and learns from sustainable happiness experts to the tune of a total of 90 years experience. 

There is a specific process outlined to educate on how to make the decision to be happy and why that is the first step.

After a short amount of time, the person feels empowered over their own happiness for the first time in their lives!  These experts make it easy to understand and implement IMMEDIATELY.

The second step utilizes scheduling software where there are specific positive psychology techniques scheduled in a morning, day & sleep routine.

Tools are provided for an improvement in positive thinking and living in the moment. These two happiness skills are sink or swim for anyone’s happiness.

As the user is learning how to apply positive psychology daily, the positive mood increases in longevity, depth of experience, emotional contagion in social network, and likely also an improvement in biological health and job performance.

The third step in the process is based in resiliency. Positive psychology offers tools of such to cope with life challenges.  This automation would provide real time solutions to real life problems so resiliency is increased exponentially.  Thus reducing time in unhappiness and increasing ability to bounce back fast or even become an Olympic hurdler never wincing at any of life’s challenges.

As empowerment, positive mood, and resiliency are the basics of happiness are perfected, the user can move on to more advanced states of happiness: contentment and bliss.

Step four, contentment kicks in and the user is guided through a specific step by step process to develop eudaimonia, lasting fulfillment. This is where specific activities are scheduled in the calendar for contentment development. Over time eudaimonia will grow and become a sustainable state of being independent of the emotional state.

The final step and most advanced state of happiness is bliss.  This can be scheduled throughout the day.  Two minutes of bliss whenever the user wants.

This systematized and automated process is based in expert guidance, a trademarked system, educational processes, easy implementation, authentic to each user.

Once happiness science is learned and implemented in a daily capacity benefits of happiness kick in. Sonja Lyubormirsky et al compiled a meta analysis of the benefits received by people who have experienced frequent positive mood in 2005.

In brief, life is better when happiness is a frequent experience.

Sustainable Happiness: Systematized & Automated.

Work in progress.

Dr Aymee Coget
Sustainable Happiness Doctor
Author of Forthcoming Book : Sustainable Happiness in 5 Steps
sfhappinessdoctor at gmail dot com

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